The Pizzolo Pizza fully funds 100% of Casa Gênesis' operations

A home of new beginnings, and a place for finding a new meaning and purpose for life!

The Genesis Home (a villa of 10 kitchenettes) is located in Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil, a city of more than 2.2 million people which serves as the hub of everything that goes on in the Amazon region of Brazil.


In sociologic terms, the Genesis Home falls into the category of something called a “Republic”, which is sort of like a half-way home for youth from 18-21 years old who grew up in an orphanage and were never adopted. The moment they reach 18 years old, the social services “system” automatically kicks them out onto the streets, with many of them having no place to go, nor a way to support themselves.

The purpose of a Republic, like our Genesis Home, is to help these young people make the transition from life as a minor in an orphanage, to becoming a responsible, secure adult in the outside world who is capable of supporting themselves and being a productive part of the society they live in.

There are many factors involved in helping them through this vulnerable and sometimes frightening time of major transition in their life. They include, but are not limited to, first of all, giving them shelter, a safe place to live in temporarily subsidized housing, helping them complete their basic education as quickly as possible through adult education classes and also helping them get the necessary trade courses that they’ll need for employment.

We also help them prepare their resumés, prepare them for job interviews, help them go after job opportunities and then help them get their first job. Subsequently we help them learn how to manage their income and become financially responsible.

We also counsel them about many of the basic skills of life, including manners, hygiene, interpersonal relationships, morality, and the list goes on and on.

We share with them about the origins of life from the Bible, why we were created, and the main reason for living, which is to become transformed into the image of God and have continual intimate fellowship with Him through His Son, Jesus Christ!

We also highly encourage them to dream, and even more specifically, to dare to dream to accomplish the impossible for God. Then we teach them to work hard and with God’s guidance, go after their dream with all they’ve got.

The Genesis Home is truly a home of New Beginnings, where our youth are given the opportunity to discover the real reason for their existence and to gain a proper perspective on the true meaning / purpose for their lives.

Would you like to join us in making all this possible for them?